Wednesday, February 10, 2021 Chouteau-Mazie Schools will have a virtual day due to inclement weather. Teachers will be available via email and Google Classrooms. Stay safe and warm!
about 4 years ago, Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
Chouteau-Mazie Schools will have a virtual day Tuesday, February 9, 2021 due to inclement weather. Teachers will be available via email and Google Classrooms. Devices have been sent home with all students. Stay Safe!
about 4 years ago, Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
732 Book Reports! That is seriously 18 short of HALF our SEMESTER GOAL in ONE MONTH!! Our students are killing it!! Way to push, encourage, and motivate them! Mrs. Corbett Librarian
about 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
class goals
Chouteau Elementary School teachers and staff not only love their students and each other well but they worked together to help our students almost double their expected growth in reading skills this last semester. I am so proud of this amazing group of educators!
about 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Chouteau Elementary
Quinnton Cochran and Remington Jensen were recognized at our assembly Friday for having mastered all the 4th grade math standards on Study Island. Way to work hard!
about 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Thank you Chouteau Booster Club for sponsoring the winning grade levels to a movie, slushie, popcorn party. Proud to be a Wildcat!
about 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
love of the wildcats
Check this young man out! Radley Pruett created a fundraiser for Links of Love outside of school and just now dropped of the proceeds. How fun it is to see our young people get excited about giving and helping. Our students are the world changers, no matter the age! Many of our students have literally emptied their piggy banks, gave their birthday money or Christmas money and have been so generous. Staff and students have taken home links to make chains at home and our husbands have been working to help us hang links in the halls. This is an amazing community that pulls together in times of need. I am proud to be a Wildcat!
about 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Chouteau Elementary School Homecoming dress up days! January 25th-29th Monday - Camo day Tuesday - Western day Wednesday - Skittles day(wear a lot of colors) Thursday - inside-out day Friday - Blue and Gold day
about 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
The new gym is getting closer and closer to being done!!
about 4 years ago, Mindy Bridges
Front entrance
center wall
south rooms
concession stand
As we return to school tomorrow please be aware that we will be following protocols to decrease exposure to COVID- 19. As per the Return to Learn Plan, face coverings will be required while there is evidence of community spread. Face coverings were provided to your students. Please make sure your students have their mask or face covering before coming to school everyday. They may wear one that was provided, or bring another from home. ALL Students are required to wear face coverings while on buses. If your student is experiencing 2 or more symptoms, fever, cough, headache, body aches, loss of taste, loss of smell, or has been exposed to COVID-19 please do not send them to school. Contact your building principal either by email or phone and let them know. Please refer to the Return to Learn Plan located under distance learning at These measures, along with social distancing, hand washing, and sanitizing our buses and buildings have allowed us to stay in school without closures thus far. We realize that these measures are not ideal for everyone, but our goal is to keep our students in school. Please also be aware that the Return to Learn Plan is subject to change. The Plan is located at
about 4 years ago, Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
November 20, 2020 Dear Chouteau-Mazie Families: I hope this letter finds you all well. As community spread is occurring we are taking necessary precautions to protect our students and staff at Chouteau-Mazie Schools. As per the Return to Learn Plan, face coverings will be required while there is evidence of community spread. Face coverings were provided to your students. They need to continue to bring them to school and wear them as directed. We have had problems specifically on buses, where masks have been required all year by all students. These measures, along with social distancing, hand washing, and sanitizing our buses and buildings have allowed us to stay in school without closures thus far. We realize that these measures are not ideal for everyone, but our goal is to keep our students in school. Please also be aware that the Return to Learn Plan is subject to change. The Plan is located at In the event that schools can not return after Thanksgiving we are sending home the technology for your student to distance learn. Your student has been instructed in how to use their technology for distance learning. If you have questions please feel free to contact your student’s teacher. If you are traveling over the break please refer frequently to the Travelers Guidance at Thank you for your careful attention to student and staff safety. If your student experiences symptoms, or is exposed to COVID-19 during the break, please do not send them back to school. Contact your building principal via email and we will follow up with your family after Thanksgiving break. We will share information as we receive additional guidance in the coming days. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Lori Helton Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
November 5, 2020 Dear Chouteau-Mazie Families: I am reaching out to share with you that we were notified that one of our middle school students has tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. This affects 2 staff members, and students from 7th grade primarily who have been identified as direct contacts. All staff members and students who are known to have been in direct contact have been contacted personally by school officials. If your student was identified as a direct contact, we ask that you monitor your student’s health and isolate at home to prevent the possible spread of the virus. According to federal law(s) we are not at liberty to share the name of the students in order to protect their privacy. It is imperative that we all continue to work together to ensure our community members remain safe and healthy. Please know that Chouteau-Mazie will continue to monitor the situation and will provide additional information as we receive it. Sincerely, Lori Helton Superintendent Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
over 4 years ago, Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
Cherokee Nation Hastings is scheduled to provide flu shots on 11/4 from 9:00 to 12:00 at the school. The consent form will need to be signed by a parent if you are interested in your child receiving the vaccine.
over 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Cherokee Nation Hastings flu shots
Don’t forget to order your yearbooks by Friday, October 23 for $35 (a savings of $15).
over 4 years ago, Michelle Brumley
Yearbook flyer
Let's Celebrate! Chouteau Elementary made it to Fall Break with 0 COVID positive cases in staff and students! We are so thankful for your continued support in checking your child before sending them to school. We are thankful that as of today we are at 0%. Enjoy your Fall Break!
over 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
No Covid
Parents, Your support has led to a MAJOR success! This last Monday and Tuesday because you stayed in your cars during the car line, the car line was complete by 3:05 on Monday and 3:02 on Tuesday! That is 10 minutes for the car line on Monday and 7 minutes on Tuesday. You are doing an AMAZING JOB! Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Thank you, parents!
Parents/Guardians, Please fill out the following Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools Title 1 Program Survey.
over 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
Dear Parents of 11th Graders Chouteau High School is communicating with parents of students who will be juniors during the 2020-21 school year. Our school district plans to administer the ACT® test in spring 2021 to eligible juniors as part of the state contract with the Oklahoma State Department of Education and ACT. Last year over 95% of Oklahoma schools selected to administer the ACT. Our district believes this is an excellent opportunity for all eligible juniors to take the ACT at no cost to them or their families. Additional information on why we chose the ACT can be found at: 8 Reasons to Choose the ACT Test Should you have any questions/comments, please reply to Chouteau High School Counselor, Kathy McCollough, Sincerely, Lori Helton, Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Chouteau-Mazie Public Schools
Our very own Sommer Reider, Reading Specialist, has created how to videos to help with distance learning. Mrs.Reider, Thank you for your hard work to make this available for our families.
over 4 years ago, Tamara Bryan
A message from the Superintendent
over 4 years ago, Jeffrey Jackson
COVID-19 Message