Bounce House Celebration, Friday, March 26th! We met our goal of 100% of our students completing a Student Led Conference during the 2nd semester. We will be celebrating Friday, March 26th during PE, Music, and Art.
Please make sure to wear socks and pants instead of skirts.
Way to go, Chouteau Elementary!
Please congratulate these students for completing the 3rd Nine Week Bingo Challenge! They will participate in a celebration in the library the week we return from spring break.
Flora Vaughn
Hagan Compton
Dominique Smith
Abbigail Williams
Ayden Corbett
Konnor Shive
Seth Helean
Amelia Wassom
Amiyah Smith
Teddie Castoe
Kade Miller
Brooklyn Connell
Olivia Simpson
Daniel Bendure
Tess Yoder
Kamdyn Carnahan
Cayson Morrison
Sarah Stamps
Diamond Thornsbrough
Trenton Bendabout
Maggie Nicholas
Lyricah Bonifant
Logan Graham
Blaikley Hurley
Aedon Ward
Zach Witt
Piper Inglett
We will be kicking off a new challenge that will end on April 23rd.
Student-led Conferences - March 11th 3:00-6:00 & March 12th- 8:00-11:00. No School for students on Friday, March 12th. Spring Break, March 12th-19th
Nick Reed and Abigail Graham finished 4th grade Study Island math and Teddie Castoe and Brock Plank finished 4th grade Study Island reading. Way to work hard!
First Robotics Competition and everyone was a Winner!
3-4th grade won the Core Values Award: demonstrating great teamwork as they explored the challenge, showing they fully understood the FIRST Core Values.
2nd grade won the Team Poster Award: showing creativity on their team poster and clearly explained what they had learned through their FIRST LEGO League Explore team journey.
Here is a picture of each team presenting to the judges via zoom meeting.
Allen Bowen shared this painting with the elementary after he painted it at home. Way to go!
Please congratulate the following students on completing the 3rd Nine Week Bingo Challenge Achievers!
Flora Vaughn
Hagan Compton
Dominique Smith
Abbigail Williams
Ayden Corbett
Konnor Shive
Seth Helean
Amelia Wassom
Amiyah Smith
Teddie Castoe
Kade Miller
Brooklyn Connell
Olivia Simpson
Daniel Bendure
Tess Yoder
Kamdyn Carnahan
The following students are the top two earners of class dojo points in their class. Remain standing until all names are called.
Mrs. Matlock’s Class: Brock and Abbie. Mrs. Bendure’s Class: Marley and Teddie.
Mrs. McCann’s Class: Ella and Jennifer. Mrs. McCartney’s Class: Kevin and Raddley.
Mrs. Lane’s Class: Kaiser and Hagan. Mrs. Graham’s Class: Kyvin and Makayla.
Mrs. Hutchinson’s Class: Jesse and Cason Morrison. Mrs. Cochran’s Class: Konnor and Trenton.
Mrs. Mean’s Class: Jacklyn and Yasmin.
Dr. Seuss Week
March 1st - 5th
Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
Help us Celebrate with a week full of fun!
Monday - If I Ran the Zoo - Wear Something with Animal Print
Tuesday - Red Fish, Blue Fish- Wear Red and Blue
Wednesday- Oh The Places You’ll Go- Dress for Success Day
(Dress professional, fancy, or for the job you want when you grow up).
Thursday-The Sleep Book-Pajamas
Friday- I can Read With My Eyes Shut- Wear a Shirt you Can Read
Please give a shoutout to the Bingo challenge achievers:
Amiyah Smith
Teddie Castoe
Kade Miller
Brooklyn Connell
Olivia Simpson
They completed their bingo challenges this week! Keep up the good work!
We are in need of your assistance with a few items as we work through this time of distance learning. I know your child's education and safety are of the utmost importance to you and us.
1. Please ensure that your child meets with their teacher at their designated Google meet time. This is where they receive direct instruction and are able to ask questions as needed. The teachers are working to make sure they post videos of instructions as well. We know that this is difficult for many families and we are doing our best to find ways for our students to still be taught while being at home. Let us know how we can help.
2. Please ask your child to show you their finished work each day. Contact your child's teacher as you have questions. Make sure assignments are turned in before moving on to educational games.
3. We have filters on the chrome books but we need parental eyes watching as well. Make sure that they are on the sites the teachers have assigned only. The sites visited on student accounts are monitored.
4. We want to make sure that our students and classrooms are protected when your child is in a Google meet. This is a classroom and anything that is in the view of the camera needs to be school appropriate. Make sure that the mic is muted or that the language in the home is classroom appropriate.
I know that you as parents will want to help us with this.
Please feel free to email or call your child's teacher or myself with questions or concerns you might have. We are here to serve!
Thank you,
Tamara Bryan
Chouteau Elementary School
No School traditionally or Distance Learning on Monday, February 15th, 2021 President's day.
Distance Learning Day due to inclement weather, Tuesday, February 9th. Please have your child log into Google Classroom at the appropriate times and have them complete their school work for the day. This is an actual school day, only it is off campus and virtual. Google Meet 2nd grade 9:00-9:30 3rd grade 9:30-10:00 4th grade 10:00-10:30 Please contact your child's teacher if you have questions. Teachers will be available throughout the day.
It’s Scholastic Book Fair Time!
Chouteau Elementary is hosting an in person book fair this semester. Sadly we will not be able to host any family events for this fair. Our goal is to offer our students an opportunity to shop and purchase new books to be able to read at home. We will be shopping with limited students at a time and practicing social distancing. We will be offering a new tool called the eWallet for parents to be able to load money digitally for students to access at the fair for purchasing. We will send home a note about this with student wishlists.
Our shopping hours will be:
Wednesday, February 10th- Thursday, February 18th from 8:15-2:15.
We will be open on Friday, February 19th until 12:30.
We love our School Counselor, Mrs. Cheryl McCartney! ❤
We are so thankful for all you do to take care of our learners! You are amazing. Happy School Counselor Week. ❤
This is the Chouteau Elementary basket filled with all things Pioneer Woman for the Vince Atwell benefit auction. It will be Saturday from 1-4p.m. at the Locust Grove Community Building.
732 Book Reports! That is seriously 18 short of HALF our SEMESTER GOAL in ONE MONTH!! Our students are killing it!! Way to push, encourage, and motivate them!
Mrs. Corbett
Chouteau Elementary School teachers and staff not only love their students and each other well but they worked together to help our students almost double their expected growth in reading skills this last semester. I am so proud of this amazing group of educators!
Quinnton Cochran and Remington Jensen were recognized at our assembly Friday for having mastered all the 4th grade math standards on Study Island. Way to work hard!
Quinnton Cochran and Remington Jensen were recognized at our assembly Friday for having mastered all the 4th grade math standards on Study Island. Way to work hard!