Come on out for the Book Fair!
Charlotte's Web. They all looked amazing!
Charlotte's Web. They all looked amazing!
Wednesday - Minions - Twin Day - dress like a friend
Tuesday - Charlotte's Web - Farm dress - farmer or farm animal
Monday - Monsters University - Wear your favorite team
Elementary Football Homecoming Spirit Week Dress
Sept. 20-24
Lights, Camera, Homecoming!
Monday - Monsters University - Wear your favorite team
Tuesday - Charlotte's Web - Farm dress - farmer or farm animal
Wednesday - Minions - Twin Day - dress like a friend
Thursday - Incredibles - Dress like a superhero
Friday - The Game Plan - Blue and Gold
Pep Assembly will start at 1:10 on the Football Field.
School homecoming parade will start at 1:50.
Homecoming activities will start at 6:00.
Game will start at 7:00 pm. Please come out and support our Wildcats!
Please take the survey on our website.
Remember parachute days in PE?
Pack 368 meets tomorrow.
Back to School Night
August 10th
4:00-7:00 pm
2nd Grade Orientation
August 3, 2021, 6:00 - 6:30 p.m.
Topics that will be covered on August 3rd during 2nd grade orientation.
Introduction to the Elementary
Mission, Vision, and Goals
Overview of policies and procedures.
Return to Learn Plan
Chouteau Elementary
4th Grade Supply List
1 Spiral Notebooks (wide-lined)
1 Composition notebook
1 Pack of loose leaf paper (wide-lined)
4 Pocket Folders- need to be hole punched
(1 blue,1 red,1 yellow,1 any color)
1 3-Ring binder (1.5 inch)
2 Pkg. of pencils (Ticonderoga and USA Gold only)
1 Box of 24 count crayons
1 pair of scissors
1 Pkg. of big erasers
1 Pkg. of markers
1 Pkg. of colored pencils
1 Pkg. of eraser caps
4 Glue Sticks
2 Boxes of Kleenex
3 Highlighters
1 Pencil bag that fits in a 3-ring binder
1 Pair of headphones for personal use (optional)
1 Wireless mouse for computer (optional)
1 box of Ziploc bags
1 Plastic water bottle w/ locking lid
Chouteau Elementary
3rd Grade Supply List
2 Black/White composition notebooks
3 Folders - Red, Blue, Yellow. With Prongs (No designs/pictures)
1 Spiral Notebook - 70 count, wide-ruled
1 Pack of wide ruled loose leaf paper
1 Box 24 pencils (Ticonderoga) No character pencils
2 Boxes 24 count crayons
1 Box of colored pencils
1 Package eraser caps/pencil tops
1 Package pink erasers
1 Package of 2 glue sticks
1 Pair of scissors
1 Box of tissues
1 Backpack
Extra Supplies to Help:
1 Box of gallon sized Ziplock bags
1 Box of sandwich sized Ziplock bags
1 Package of colored or white cardstock
Chouteau Elementary School
Second Grade Supply List
Small school box for supplies
Pencil Pouch
24 count Box of Crayons
Pair of Scissors
4 Glue Sticks
2 PKG. of #2 Wooden Pencils
1 Pkg. of Cap Erasers
2-Pocket Plastic Folders
70-80 Count Spiral Notebook (wide ruled)
2 Boxes of Kleenex
2 Rolls of Paper Towels
Colored pencils
1 box of large ziplock bags
1 box snack size bags
1 box quart size bags
1 box snack size bags
Backpack - No Wheels, big enough to put folders in, & fit over student’s chair.
Mrs. Means class received a visit from ER Nurse Jenna based at Hillcrest Hospital in Tulsa. She gave the students a lot of good information about her career and brought some equipment to show everyone as well. Thank you Nurse Jenna!
Mrs. Means' summer school class has been learning about community helpers. Today they had the opportunity to speak to the Chouteau Chief Murray and assistant Chief Rowland. It was a great experience!
The Color Run was a success! The kids and staff had a grand ole time! Together we raised $3,289.36 for Kathy Cochran to help with expenses of her husband's illness. She shared that she will be using the money to make accommodations to her home before her husband returns, hopefully at the end of this month. They will widen doorways and the like. #blessings #community #chouteauwildcats
It is a blast being a Chouteau Wildcat! Happy summer to you all! Live well & see you in the fall or STEM camp or Summer School.
We will move the color run to Thursday if it is still raining at 12:00 today. The forecast says rain.
Our very own Sommer Reider was named District Teacher of the Year! Congratulations, Mrs. Reider. We are proud of your hard work and continued efforts to teach our students.